The Brilliance of An Ordinary Day

Today was ordinary. Ordinarily brilliant! My sisters and I decided to have a sister day. I am at an age in my life where making me a priority is important. Now, I am not by any means saying to neglect God, husband, children and responsibilities but I am saying to make sure after God you are number 2 on your list of quality time, not over doing it. I am not saying consistent quantity. I am saying make that you are a priority in your own life. People in our lives whom we love dearly have a long list of priorities they feel we should adhere to. Yes, do their list, if possible but make sure their list is not added stress that has nothing to do with you but everything to do with them. Today I really enjoyed just riding, laughing, crying and talking with my sisters. It was just an ordinary day that we decided should be extraordinary...brilliant.... and so it was. You don't have to wait on special days like Mother's Day, or any other holiday to make it brilliant. All you need is fun, laughter, music and people you love. Wake up at 12 midnight and go to the grocery store with your mom. Go to the park on a breezy Sunday afternoon and walk and enjoy the sunshine. Take a ride in the car with your top down or the sunroof up. Wake your husband up at 3 am and go to breakfast. It may seem ordinary but it's the little subtle changes you do every day that makes the mundane, MAGNIFICENT!!!