Lost and Found
I have heard people say many times, I am trying to "find" myself. I would always think... You are right here, How are you lost?... Well, I just realized a couple of months ago, I lost myself years ago. I remember when I was in High School and I lost a jacket. I went to the office and they told me to go to the lost and found box. When I got there it was all kinds of other junk in the box. I saw books, shoes, book bags and all kinds of stuff covering what I came to find. After I moved all the things covering my jacket that I was looking for, a smile crossed my face. I found what I was looking for. I found what I had lost. The jacket took on a whole new value. I was cautious and protective of it. ... That what I realized a couple of months ago. I had lost myself!...under piles of opinions, expectations of what others thought I should be, I was lost under my roles of what life dealt me. I felt like I had to be at the beck and call of others needs and forget all about my own. That, my dear, was no one's fault but MY OWN! I put those expectations on me so, of course, others would think that it was what I should do! .... I am now taking back my POWER! I am protecting my peace, my heart...I am protecting ME!! We must learn to be cautious of how we handle ourselves! You are VALUABLE! Your sanity is valuable! I was on the verge of losing my sanity trying to please people, living in a spirit of worry, which we know is a sin! The Bible tells us to guard our heart with all diligence for out of it flows the issues of life!(Psalm 4:23) I was losing life! it was time to get it back!... I went in prayer and ask God where was I? .. He said, "You are who I made you, You are where you are suppose to be!" He went on and told me I took it upon myself to pick up burdens, roles and expectations that he did not design for me! He simply told me.....GO BACK TO THE PLAN! He was waiting on me to learn the lesson!.. Luke 19:10 says the Son of Man come to seek and to save that which was lost. Remove the burdens that YOU have placed on YOU! HOW??? . through .Prayer, fasting and changing your mindset. Develop your God given authority of the Holy Ghost to do what He has called you to do and be who He has called you to be! Opinions will always exist but God's word is where you should live!!! Live On! Love On! Move ON! that was Yesterday! Today you are found! #NoLongerAMissingPerson #ValueWhatHeGaveBack #YOU