Thought Life: Head Issues
Have you ever created a whole movie in 3D, lots of action, some tears, drama, fears and just completely Blockbuster worthy?!?!.... But, it was all in your mind! Ha! Is there anyone else out there that play replay scenes that have not happen but in your head, they hate you, you will never accomplish your goals, you made a huge F on the test (by the way you haven't taken the test yet lol)!! It seems like we live our lifelike it is one giant emergency after another only the emergency is only in our head! It is so easy to get caught up in our thought life and have really bad "Head Issues!" The Word of God tells us capture our thoughts! Yep!, you have control over what you think, how much you think and why you are thinking it! 2 Corinthians 10:5
says, Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalt itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ! You have to make sure that your thoughts don't control you but you control them! You can replace bad thinking with good! God has given us the ability to control what movie is playing in our head! Instead of thinking on the wrong things do like Philippians 4 says think on good things! If it happened you cannot get over something by dwelling on it! Negative thoughts are wear and tear on the body. We must come into alignment with what God says about us! He word says I am healed! I am free! I am more than a conquer! I am victorious! I am whole! I have Peace! I have Power to overcome ANYTHING!!! BLESSINGS!