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Consistently Inconsistent: Breaking The "I Don't Feel Like Its!"

Happy New Year! Let's talk about having a year of consistent purpose! Are you ready! This will help me too! Let's start!

Aristotle said, "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act but a habit."  That is so profound! However, I have been consistently inconsistent with my blog! I had been worried about what people think or maybe they wont enjoy it, when the main one I should always attempt to please is God and myself, but that is just a small reason!

The truth is I have had the "I don't feel like its!" Yes I have just been plain old lazy! Which makes me feel unhappy. I am quickly learning when I am not doing what I really desire to do....consistently! It creates a frustration inside me. See, when you are not fulfilling destiny you feel empty. This is actually my first blog since August last year.....When things start to go wrong you cannot stop what you are purposed to do to accommodate your issues. You must be consistent with your purpose and make your problems adapt to your destiny! Meaning, stay consistent! So my desire now is to make sure no matter what happens in my life I keep blogging! Diligence is always the goal to succeed! This year I plan to be consistently consistent with my blog and my writing! What is it that God has purposed you to do that you have placed on the back burner until conditions are right? Listen.... conditions will never be right! Everyone will not like what you have to say! Chose to work with purpose despite bad conditions! You consistency will produce the greatest version of yourself! Happy New Year!!!!

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